Saturday, January 2

I am home from a very long holiday in Louisiana. It was a happy holiday; I did enjoy myself and spent most of my time away from my mother.

While I was in Louisiana, we visited New Orleans. I think I want to go to college in New Orleans. It’s such a pretty city. Plus, it’s is a city. I mean, I don’t think I can truly explain the fuzziness I got when we were walking down the sidewalk. Not just the fact that New Orleans is all popular now because of Katrina, it’s just:


So, I’m applying to Xavier and SUNO down there. I won’t be far from family because my cousin Jasmine is from New Orleans and her mom lives about 20 minutes outside the city. Plus, another large bulk of my family is in Opelousas, which is only about a two hour drive over a fucking bridge that towers over water. You know what makes me mad? It’s how my dad and mom always work around other people and their phobias. I have two aunts in Philadelphia.

One aunt is claustrophobic.
Another one is afraid of dogs.

We worked around their phobias so they could be comfortable. But here I am terrified of bridges over water. I know I can’t avoid them, but I try my best to ignore it when we’re going over them. My father, on the other hand, likes to say “Gee, LOOK AT ALL THAT WATER!

Excuse me for not trusting man’s ability to build, we’re human, we all make mistakes. I just hate to imagine that mistake while driving over an [insert large number here] foot deep river. It might be just me, but I rather ignore it all DAD.

There’s this bridge in Louisiana that is built OVER a river. Instead of just crossing one interval and being done with it, you drive down the river. Whoever built that bridge should just burst into random flames—in heaven or hell. I don’t care. As well as the person who built that stupid floating bridge in Seattle. I almost pissed myself going across that bridge.

On another note, what the fuck is tumblr? Is that a blog site too?
Because, it looks rather interesting. I might think about joining, but I already have a blog and I can put pictures on here just fine. Eeh, whatever.

So, right now, I’m busily working on a lot of crap. I want to hang out.


There’s this boy at my school, I think he likes me, we are friends. He has a butter face.
Like, his body is nice, but his face is—well, I’m not a mean person, so I can’t say anything about it. But he keeps texting me and calling me at different hours of the day. I promised him a picture in return, but I just don’t feel like it. I’m a procrastinator at heart. You have to excuse me for things like this. BUT NOW, I have a friend in college. I think I’m falling for him. But it’s pretty stupid to say that, because our relationship has turned to just talking on facebook and calling on the phone. But he’s in training for a marine, which means he’s going to turn out sexy (since all marines turn out sexy).

So, I went shopping and got all kinds of new shit.
Maybe I’ll post them up one day.


(back to the top)

population: me
Seventeen. August 25th. Virgo. Black American. Hailing the 202/301. Loves the color orange. 4''11 One, going on two, tats. Wears earrings. Wears glasses occasionally. Believes in God. Oldest out of two. Loves rap and old school rap.

Theme song? Nice Guy by Will Smith

question me

bust a move there partnah
FONEDOWN 3019433791
ADDRESSES kandaisy@yahoo
SPACES myspace
YUMMY delicious
LITERATE gaiaonline

the rambles exist
»Sep 13, 2009
»Sep 14, 2009
»Sep 18, 2009
»Sep 20, 2009
»Sep 21, 2009
»Sep 25, 2009
»Sep 26, 2009
»Sep 30, 2009
»Oct 17, 2009
»Oct 20, 2009
»Oct 22, 2009
»Oct 30, 2009
»Oct 31, 2009
»Nov 14, 2009
»Nov 16, 2009
»Nov 30, 2009
»Dec 13, 2009
»Jan 2, 2010
»Jan 30, 2010
»Feb 28, 2010
»Mar 13, 2010
»Apr 2, 2010
»Apr 25, 2010
»Apr 30, 2010
»May 23, 2010

take a bow
Layout : Janani.
Icon : black-balloonxx.